MPF® Traditional Training:Retained


Investor Reporting

Familiarize yourself with required forms and due dates for monthly reporting.

How it Works

  1. Contact your FHLB Des Moines MPF® Training team to schedule your training. 

  2. Visit the Welcome Center.

    It provides valuable information on MPF processes to assist in managing your MPF portfolio, with access to resources and information featuring custody, servicing, investor accounting, quality control and default management.

  3. Reconcile your Custodial Account.

    Custodial accounts are to be balanced to zero after each month end. As part of the balancing process, you will need access to the account statement for the P&I funds sent to your eAdvantage MPF A/A account with FHLB Des Moines. Your institution controls who within your organization can access the eAdvantage account. If you do not have access, you can obtain the account statement of activity from someone that has account access. If may be your CFO, a head cashier, or someone from the accounting department. 
  4. Traditional Government Loans

    For servicing, follow Government Agency servicing requirements. For investor reporting, report government loans with your Traditional 125 and MPF Original products.