Originating & Underwriting
Loan Data Delivery
Loan data delivery, known as Loan Presentment, is your method of providing MPF® with the loan details and determining credit enhancement obligation. Accuracy is essential.
The loan data must be submitted via eMPF to determine the loan’s Credit Enhancement (CE) obligation, which is the PFI's portion of the risk. CE results are given in both a percentage and dollar amount. A low score would indicate a higher quality loan; a result of zero means there is no risk associated with that loan.
On-Demand Webinar: MPF Traditional: Risk Sharing.
It is highly recommended to credit enhance the loan within the eMPF website prior to locking. The loan must be risk scored prior to being purchased by MPF. If you have only key data elements of the loan, there is a Credit Enhancement Estimator feature you may use to obtain an estimated risk score. Full loan details will be required prior to selling the loan to MPF.
The CE process can be completed at any time prior to loan purchase by MPF and may be performed multiple times. There are no fees associated with CE submission. Credit enhancing a loan does not commit you to selling the loan to MPF.