Originating & Underwriting
Pricing & Locking a Loan
Determine the borrower's interest rate and loan pricing. Lock the loan terms.
The MPF Xtra product offers both Mandatory and Best Efforts Pricing. Your master commitment determines the pricing option chosen by your institution.
- If you would like to receive the MPF daily indicative pricing schedule (first price sheet of the day), simply fill out this form to sign up.
Determine Price Expiration Date
MPF Xtra Custody files will require pre-funding certification for all loans purchased by MPF. This means immediately upon requesting funds and receipt of the “Funding Request Confirmation", the custody package must be submitted to the MPF Document Custodian. Allow seven business days from the date of the funding request confirmation. The custody file will be reviewed by the Document Custodian and must receive initial certification within the first four days; the next three days allow for data verification and purchase. The loan will not be purchased without initial certification.
- When opening a Delivery Commitment, allow seven additional business days for pre-funding certification and loan funding.
- If locking a loan to request funding on November 29, 2022, allow an additional seven business days and lock through December 08, 2022.

Determine Loan Level Price Adjustments (LLPAs)
- LLPAs are assessed based on loan characteristics such as credit score, LTV, loan purpose, occupancy, number of units, product types, etc.
- For LLPAs applicable to all Mortgage Loan types, see the LLPA Worksheet & Matrix.
- LLPAs are NOT built into the MPF pricing schedules. When pricing a MPF Xtra loan, you will determine the applicable LLPAs and price up to cover both the LLPA requirement and your institution’s profit margin. An alternate option would be to charge the LLPAs to the borrower as a line item on the loan estimate/closing disclosure, instead of pricing up to cover LLPAs.
- If loan characteristics change during the origination process, LLPAs could also change. The actual amount of LLPAs charged will be based on the loan characteristics at the loan funding.
Tip: How to Price an MPF Xtra Loan
Tip: Understanding Subproduct Pricing
Tip: Convert MPF Pricing to Par Pricing
Review Newrez's Servicing Released Premium (SRP) Schedule
- The SRP represents the price paid to the PFI by Newrez for the servicing rights for the PFI's loan.
- The Newrez SRP schedule is located on the Pricing dropdown tab within the eMPF website and is subject to change at any time during the day.
- Review the SRP schedule for applicable pricing adjustments.
- The SRP paid will be the SRP in effect at the time the Delivery Commitment (DC) is issued.
- The SRP is in addition to the MPF price and will be included with the MPF funding of the loan.
Tip: How the SRP is Calculated
Tip: View the SRP Schedule
Access MPF Xtra Pricing
- Pricing is posted daily to the eMPF website between the hours of 8:30am - 3:30pm CT.
- MPF Xtra utilizes live pricing. The price schedules available at the eMPF website are indicative pricing. Indicative pricing tells you what the price was at a set point in time. Indicative price schedules are updated 4 times a day (9:30 AM, 11 AM, 2 PM, 3 PM CT).
- A live price quote may be slightly different from the indicative price sheet and is available using the eMPF Delivery Commitment/Lock process. Once the quote is obtained, you will cancel the quote; only “confirm” the quote if you intend to lock the loan.
- There is no overnight price protection.
- The indicative pricing schedules available at the eMPF website show lock terms of 10, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 90 calendar days. These are benchmarks telling you what the price was for that number of days at a point in time.
- The MPF Xtra product allows you to lock for the actual number of days you need in a range of 10 to 90 calendar days.
- There is a pricing advantage when the pricing is based on the actual number of days you need to lock for (i.e. if you need a 50-day lock, you do not need to lock for 60 days. The pricing will be better on a 50-day lock.)
- You must request loan funding/purchase from MPF seven (7) business days prior to price expiration. Consider this when determining your lock expiration date.
- Example: If you will have the file back from the title company and ready to sell to MPF on Tuesday, February 15th, you will want to lock your loan through Thursday, February 24th.
- The price sheet and lock confirmation both provide the last date to request funds and the commitment expiration date. For your tracking purposes, track the last day to request funds as your loan must be closed & disbursed by this day to allow you the seven business days needed when requesting funds.
- Note rates are quoted in 1/8's.
- Agent fee represents premium or discount payable on a loan funding.
- Positive price is a premium to the PFI and will be paid at purchase.
- Negative price is a discount and will be deducted at purchase.
- High balance loans can only be 15- or 30-year terms; no odd terms allowed for high balance (a high balance loan is a loan in an area of the country having a high cost of housing (Boston, New York, California, Washington, D.C., etc.). See Exhibit N of the MPF Guides for a list of high balances counties sorted by state).
Mandatory and Best Efforts Pricing
Lock the Loan
- Watch step by step instructions in the demo.
- Lock the loan amount, interest rate and term for a period of time ranging from 10 to 90 calendar days.
- Review the Delivery Commitment (DC) information you input prior to confirming.
- Once a DC is locked, you can print the confirmation. The individual creating the DC will receive an email confirmation. Using the dropdown in the eMPF screen, the confirmation can also be emailed to others who have DC authority.
View Demo Video
- Once a loan is locked, you will receive a DC confirmation, which will contain a DC number.
- The DC number will be needed in the funding process, so save the number for future use. We recommend printing a copy of the DC confirmation to keep in the loan file.
- Review each confirmation for accuracy and immediately contact the MPF Service Center if inaccuracies are found or if you need to cancel the lock.
- If a lock is cancelled after the loan funding request has been submitted, the DC will be subject to a pair-off fee.
- You will want to have funds in your general DDA to cover miscellaneous fees, such as extension fees.