On-Demand Training
Our on-demand training options allow you to continue learning about the MPF Program at your own pace, from the convenience of your own desk. Below you will find webinars that will be helpful as you get started with the MPF Program. For additional learning opportunities, please visit the National MPF Training Site.
MPF Loan Eligibility Requirements
On-demand training video on MPF Program loan eligibility requirements to help determine the best solution for your loans. Watch now.
MPF Quality Control
An overview of how to comply with the MPF Program's pre- and post-closing loan quality control requirements. Also includes a description of the separate MPF Program-Level QC process. Watch now.
MPF Traditional: Product Eligibility & Underwriting
This webinar specifically addresses some of the eligibility and underwriting guidelines for the MPF Traditional product. This is an opportunity for those who may be new to the MPF Traditional product to learn about the many eligibility factors, and experienced participants to sharpen their guideline expertise. Watch now.
MPF Traditional: Risk Sharing
An explanation of the unique risk sharing structure of the MPF Original and 125 products, including the additional fee income PFIs receive for sharing in the credit risk of MPF loans. Watch now.
MPF Xtra: Product Eligibility & Underwriting
This webinar specifically addresses some of the eligibility and underwriting guidelines for the MPF Xtra product. This is an opportunity for those who may be new to the MPF Xtra product to learn about the many eligibility factors, and experienced participants to sharpen their guideline expertise. Watch now.
Processing: Basics
An overview to help loan processors move the borrower and lender from initial application to an underwriting-ready fully documented file. Watch now.