Mortgage Default Toolbox

A mortgage payment is considered delinquent when a scheduled full payment is not made on or before the due date. The following material provides guidance on how to help your borrowers keep current and assist if they fall behind.

Communication with Your Borrowers

As you work with your borrowers, especially those who may become past due, remember communication is key! It is important to let your borrowers know you are there to help at every opportunity, whether it is face to face, over the phone or in writing.

Delinquent Loan Prevention

Payments are due on the first day of the month and should be considered late on day two. It is best practice to assign individuals on your team to monitor all loan payment activity and proactively reach out to those borrowers who have not made their payment by the Late Charge Date. After the fifteen (15) day grace period has expired, these outreach efforts (both verbal and in writing) need to be increased until a Quality Right Party Contact (QRPC) is made and/or payment is received.

If contact with the borrower is made, inquire as to why they were not able to make a timely payment. The explanation received may be a predictor of future issues and provide an opportunity to help prevent them. Automatic payment withdrawals could be beneficial.

Delinquent Loan Outreach Timeline

If attempts to contact the borrower remain unsuccessful and/or the loan becomes more than thirty (30) days past due, you should have calendared “pleasantly persistent” outreach efforts (by phone and in writing) in place with the goal of speaking to a QRPC. Below is a high-level overview of specific dates which require action by the Servicer. For additional requirements, please reference the CFPB and individual state guidelines.

Loss Mitigation Options

Depending upon the degree of delinquency, ability to bring the account current and desire to remain in the property, there are different options available to the borrower(s) including:

  • Reinstatement
  • Repayment Plan
  • Forbearance
  • Temporary Modification
  • Short Sale
  • Deed-in-Lieu of Foreclosure

If addressed early enough in the process, options such as a repayment plan or a forbearance can be put into place. For additional information, you can reference Section 8.5 – Loss Mitigation in the MPF Servicing Guide.

If needed, you can reference the Fannie Mae Servicing Guide to obtain sample loss mitigation evaluation notices to assist in your communications with your borrower(s).

Exhibit B Reporting

Remember, all loans with one payment or more not being made as of the last day of the preceding month or in bankruptcy status must be reported on Exhibit B with the required and most accurate Status and Reason Codes. For additional information, reference the Delinquent Mortgage & Bankruptcy Status Report (Exhibit B) Reference Guide.